Why I Stopped Caring About Banned Books Week — Discover

“Maybe banned books are such a problem because when your tokens of diversity are so limited, losing even one is a huge blow. So the solution isn’t saying ‘unban this book!’ The solution is to make more books like it.” via Why I Stopped Caring About Banned Books Week — Discover

We plough the fields, and scatter (A hymn for Autumn)

As we enter the wonderful season of autumn,this beautiful hymn reminds us of the cycle of life and the fact that you have to sow in order to reap   We plough the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land, but it is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand; he sends the…

Origins of the word “Cider”

cider (n.) late 13c., from Old French cidre, cire “pear or apple cider” (12c., Modern French cidre), variant of cisdre, from Late Latin sicera, Vulgate rendition of Hebrew shekhar, a word used for any strong drink (translated in Old English as beor, taken untranslated in Septuagint Greek as sikera), related to Arabicsakar “strong drink,” sakira…

The Mont-Bazillac by Arthur Quiller Couch (cider in literature)

I have a sincere respect and liking for the Vicar of Gantick–“th’ old Parson Kendall,” as we call him–but have somewhat avoided his hospitality since Mrs. Kendall took up with the teetotal craze. I say nothing against the lady’s renouncing, an she choose, the light dinner claret, the cider, the port (pale with long maturing…

Ode to Autumn by John Keats (Cider mention)

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness! Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run; To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With…